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Publisher/Editor: ». D. Cheek. Sr. aka "Dr. Sigorjort is" V1W9: October. 1991 


4 Journal of VHF-UHF Scanner Technology i Engineering 

iblished at: COhHtronics Engineering; PO BOX 262478; San Diego. CA 92196 Copyright (c) 1991 <Al 1 Rights Reserved) iUI 


It's an interesting daydream that if the typical 1942 
mi 1 itary monitoring post were equipped comparable to 
today’s typical hobby monitoring post, that WW-II might 
have been won in half the time! We'll never know for 
sure but it's an interesting whimsy, huh? We do know 
however, that today's typical hobby monitoring post is a 
spinoff of NASA and Viet Nam technology. The results of 
research & development for space and defense programs 
continues to filter down to the consumer level. While 
this may be difficult for the casual hobbyist to fully 
comprehend, I am pleased to offer you this month a small 
scale spinoff that can be understood. Let me explain — 

As you probably know, my keenest focus in scanners has 
been on the Realistic PRO-2004/5/6 series. I doubt if 
this has caused any wholesale problem since over half the 
readers of the WSR own one of this series. But what 
about those who don’t? That is where the spinoff comes 
into focus. Two examples come to mind: one, the Generic 
S-Meter for all scanners & other radios that appeared in 
V1N7 of the WSR. It was rather easy to adapt an S-meter 
to the PRO-2004/5/6, but unheard of for other scanners. 

1 1 most intnediately after Vol-1 of my SCANNER MOO HANDBOOK 
was published, I was beseiged with requests for an 
S-Meter for other scanners so I set about to learn all 
there was to know about S-metering. Where there's a 
will, there’s a way and the universal S-Meter was the 
result. Now there's another spinoff for you this month. 

One of the first modifications I performed to my PRO-2004 
back in late 1986 was to incease the speed of the SCAN & 
SEARCH modes with a 10 MHz quartz crystal in place of the 
stock 7.37 MHz resonator. Fine and dandy, but the DELAY 
function got shortened by 35$ thereby highlighting a need 
for an Extended Delay function. Mark Persson of New York 
admirably responded with MOD-29 for Vol-2 of my book. But 
this left me with a familiar problem: the Extended Delay 
for the PRO-2004/5/6 didn't work for other scanners, so I 
burned the midnight oil to develop an alternate Extended 
Delay. The method that I selected for page 157 in Vol-2 
of my book worked well enough, but it was cumbersome and 
with three chips, was a bit too large for most handheld 
scanners. On top of that, some readers had problems 
adapting that circuit to various scanners. Spinoff time: 
I just KNEW there had to be an easier & better method of 
Extended Delay for scanners other than the PRO-2004/5/6. 
There was and it's here for you this month. The original 
MOD-29 method for the PRO-2004/5/6 remains unchanged but 
for other scanners, we've got one just as easy now! Make 
two small wiring changes to MOD-29 in my book and you've 
got an Adjustable Extended Delay (MOD-29b) that will work 
for most any other scanner in which MOD-29 doesn't work! 

(And What You Can Do About It!) by Bob Scott. VA 

The Sony ICF-2010 is a popular, potent, and low cost 
shortwave receiver. When used with the supplied whip 
antenna (or a short indoor wire) it proves to be a 
reliable performer with little or no maintenance. 

Some hobbyists have extended the reception range of the 
ICF-2010 by connecting outdoor long wire antennas or 
externally mounted amplified antennas. Although this 
makes a remarkable improvement in performance, it can 
also lead to the destruction of a fragile Field Effect 
Transistor (FET) in the set's radio frequency (RF) front 
end. This article will show you how to prevent such 
damage and how to recognize and repair a typical failure. 

The Problem 

The 2010 uses a 2SK152-1 N-channel FET as a high-gain RF 
preamplifier for the internal whip antenna. This FET, 
designated Q-303, boosts the feeble signal from the whip 
antenna to a proper level for further processing by the 
mixer & IF amplifier stages. Connection of an external 
antenna to the "AM” antenna input jack bypasses the FET 
amplifier. This bypass and lower overall gain prevents 
overload of the RF front end from very strong signals 
that can enter from a long wire or dipole antenna. 

Even when Q-303 is not used for amplification, it's still 
in the signal path in an ''idle” mode. When an external 
antenna is connected, Q-303 still "sees” the input; it 
just doesn't amplify it. Therein lies the problem. 

Normally such a sensitive transistor must be shielded 
from overloads or static buildup by some type of 
protective circuitry. Q-303 is so protected, but only 
when it is connected to the internal whip. In that case, 
back-to-back diodes protect Q-303 from voltage surges 
above three volts. There is no such safeguard for the 
external antenna jack. 

So, Q-303 will happily self-destruct in the face of high 
voltages coming in via the external antenna. Typical 
sources of such hazards are nearby powerful transmitters, 
close lightning strikes, or static build up in heavy snow 
storms. (The latter gremlin terminated my Q-303!) 

The Solution 

The answer to this problem takes two forms: protection 
and caution. First, exercise caution by disconnecting 
the external antenna when the radio is not in use. Your 
radio spends most of its time turned off anyway. Simply 

disconnecting the antenna during this time is the most 
effective protection from static damage. Second, add 
some electronic protection. The simplest is to duplicate 
the protection circuitry of the telescoping antenna 
circuit. Connect two pair of series connected 1N914 or 
1N4148 diodes (R/S #276-1620 or 276-1122) in a back-to- 
back, reverse polarity as shown in Fig-1. Install the 
circuit across your external antenna terminals. The 
diodes shunt voltages higher than 1.2v to ground. Normal 
RF voltages will not be affected. The diodes are tiny 
and will easily fit in the gray junction box supplied by 
Sony for connecting an external antenna. Connect the 
"Antenna” lead of the diodes to the center conductor 
screw in the connector box and the "Ground" lead to the 
large metal ground pad below the screw. Use "creative 
wire bending"; close the box and secure its cover. 

Recognizing a Failure 

Since Q-303 is bypassed with an external antenna, failure 
can go unnoticed in the SW bands. The first clue might 
be a sharp drop in sensitivity on the AM broadcast band, 
both with and without the external antenna. The ICF-2010 
schematic reveals the reason: when Q-303 fails, typically 
a Source-Drain short, the bias voltage to Q-301, (MW/LW 
preamp), is shorted to ground. This preamp is used full 
time, so a malfunction becomes painfully apparent. 

If you suspect Q-303 has blown, disconnect any external 
antenna and tune in an AM broadcast signal. Stations 
that normally gave a ”10" on the S-meter will be at a 4 
or 5. Comparison to a known good radio can confirm poor 
sensitivity throughout the range of the 2010, but the 
problem will be most apparent in the MW/LW bands. The 
best test is the voltage check described below. If you 
aren’t comfortable with electronic test equipment, a 
technician or a knowledgeable friend can do it for you. 

Testing Q-303 

Checking Q-303's operating voltages is the best bet. 
Required are an accurate voltmeter (50k-ohms/volt or 
better; preferably digital) and a phillips screwdriver. 

1. Write down any memory presets you may have programmed. 
The memory batteries (2 AA cells) needn't be removed but 
they may get jostled and cause a memory loss. 

2. Disconnect external devices (AC adapter, tape deck, 
etc.); move the 2010 to a comfortable work table. 

3. Place the radio face down on a towel, or similar pad, 
to protect the face place. Orient the radio with the 
battery compartment closest to you and the tuning knob to 
your left. Remove the three ”D” cell batteries, if 
installed. The two "AA" memory batteries can remain. 

4. Touch a grounded object to discharge body static. At 
least touch the metal earphone jack on the radio before 
proceeding. Avoid static building activities from here 
on; shuffling feet on carpet, etc. 

5. Remove the seven screws securing the case back. Four 
are plainly visible. Two screws are hidden by the rod 
antenna, if it is in its stowed position. The last screw 
is in the battery compartment. An open arrowhead symbol 
clearly marks each screw location. See Fig-4. 

6. Carefully lift away the rear case. There are no wires 
from the case to the main chassis to get in the way. 

7. Behold the wonders of Japanese engineering! Good for 
us that Q-303 does not reside on the large main analog 
board, but instead on the smaller Jack Board which is the 
narrow board to the right of the speaker. See Figs-2 & 4. 

8. Use Fig-2 and locate Q-303. Note the meanings of its 
three terminals: S-Source, D-Drain & G-Gate. Note that 
only the Gate is labeled with a white "G" on the circuit 
board. The other two connection pads form a vertical 
line up from the "G” lead and are enclosed by a printed 
white box. The middle lead is the Source and the upper 
one is the Drain. See Fig-3. 

3. Connect the AC adapter. Turn on the radio and set it 
to AM NARROW mode. 

10. Connect the negative lead of your voltmeter to a 
chassis ground of the radio. The brown wire soldered 
from the metal shield at the top center of the radio to 
the center of the main PC board is a good spot. 

11. Measure each terminal of Q-303 and compare a 
readings with those shown in Table 1. If any are off — oy 
more than 105S-20K, you may have a problem. (Measurements 
of my Q-303 were grossly off after Q-303 had blown). 


Set Mode to: AM Narrow, Sync OFF 

Normal Yours 

Gate: 0.0 volts 

Source: 0.2 volts 

Drain: 2.9 volts 

12. If the voltages are in spec, or if you don’t wish to 
proceed with replacing Q-303 yourself, turn off the 
radio, disconnect the AC adapter and restore the case. 

Replacing Q-303 

Fortune shines again. Most of the 2010 uses hard-to-find 
(and replace) surface mount components. Q-303 is a JFET 
mounted in a normal through-board style. Replacement is 
fairly straight forward, as both sides of the jack board 
are easily accessible. You'll need your favorite solder 
remover (vacuum or wick), side cutters and a f ine-tip,n^, 
low wattage soldering pencil. A new transistor may^i 
ordered from your friendly Sony service center as part 
number 8-729-800-42. If you don't want to wait for the 
next boat from Tokyo, a common 2N3819 works as well as 
the Sony part. Radio Shack Catalog #276-2035. Handle 

"THE WORLD SCANNER REPORT ' (c) 1991; V1N9 - October, 1991; Page 2 

the replacement with care as it is somewhat sensitive to 
static discharge (if it wasn’t, you wouldn't need this 
article!) To replace the transistor, follow the steps 
above for disassembly and then proceed as follows: 

difference, try touching an external antenna (or the tip 
of its connecting plug) to the collapsed whip. You will 
notice a marked signal strength increase compared to 
plugging the same antenna into the AM jack. 

3. Carefully remove the jack board by tipping up the 
edge closest to the speaker about one half inch, then 
slide it to the left until it's free of the mounting 
posts. No screws secure the board. Be careful of the 
fine wires connecting the jack board to the loop antenna. 
They are fragile and easily broken if strained. 

H. With a helper supporting the board, desolder and 
remove <3-303. Note its orientation. You may wish to 
clip the transistor body free of its leads first, then 
remove each lead individually. Clean out each lead hole 
in preparation for mounting the new transistor. 

15. If installing the Sony part (or an exact substitute), 
just orient the transistor in the same way as the 
original and solder in it. Some generic replacements 
(such as the Radio Shack 2N3819) may have different lead 
arrangements so check the data sheet for your specific 
FET . In my case the 3819 had its gate and source 
interchanged as compared to the Sony FET. If you are 
using a non-Sony replacement transistor and have to cross 
leads to fit it properly, slip a small piece of 
insulation (from some 22 gauge hook-up wire) over one of 
them to prevent a short. Remember, the pads for Q-303 
are arranged Gate, Source and Drain from the bottom to 
the top of the jack board. Check your FET and do 
whatever you must to connect it right! 

16. Reinstall the jack board by reversing the procedures 
in Step 13. Make sure the switches and jacks line up 
properly in their respective holes. Check the AM ATT and 
MAIN POWER switches for proper operation. 

17. Test out your work by tuning in the AM broadcast 
station you used earlier. You should see quite a 
difference on the signal strength meter. 

18. Replace the rear case and reinstall the batteries. 
That’s all there is to it. Using the protective measures 
outlined in this article, my replacement transistor has 
survived two years of heavy operation. Unless you have 
your antenna lead tied off to the lightning rod, there's 
no reason you shouldn't have the same results. 

If you're interested in doing any serious hacking of the 
Sony I CF-20 10 , the Service Manual is a wealth of great 
information. It's available from most Sony service 
centers as part number 9-951-647-11. Price when I 
purchased mine was about $20 and it's well worth every 
penny. Now, anybody for a computer control interface? 

ICF 2010 Portable Operation Tip 

There are drawbacks to the automatic switching of the RF 
JFET preamp; i.e., connection of a short external wire is 
handicapped by the lack of amplification. To see the 

If your external antenna is relatively long, you may hear 
several stations at once; the result of RF overload where 
strong shortwave or medium wave stations appear at the 
multiple false locations in the SW band and obliterate 
any weaker signals that lie near them. This is a reason 
why amplification is intentionally limited at the input 
for an external antenna. 

When using short or improvised antennas with the 2010, 
try first connecting it to the whip. You'll enjoy a 
"free’’ preamplifier. If you notice image problems, 
switch to the antenna jack. -Bob Scott- 


. £* r ^ 










O so 

V1N9 - October, 1991; Page 3 



B. Bond, Pres. 


As you read this issue of the "HSR", HB-Technologies is 
vigorously pursuing Phase III of a project to fully 
two-way interface the PRO-2004/5/6 to a PC/clone personal 
computer. Yes, Phase III implies that previous events 
have taken place, and these events are detailed below 
exclusively for the readers of the WSR. 

Most of you are aware that the PRO-2004/5/6 lack hardware 
& software to communicate with a PC. Entrepreneurs have 
had limited success with keyboard emulator interfaces to 
program the scanner but methods to retrieve, display and 
store scanner information remain elusive. Progress is now 
being made on developing BOTH SIDES of an interface and 
code to perfect this desirable modification. This article 
summarizes the work done so far. 

PHASE I began with a detailed examination of the existing 
hardware within the scanner chassis. P35 (TxD) of the 
CPU is a serial pin used in conjunction with P36 (CLK) to 
synchronously transfer data to the LCD Display Decoder 
and the PLL. Tests revealed an average transfer rate in 
excess of 52 Kbaud! Since both LCD and PLL data come out 
of the CPU TxD port, we knew that a means had to be found 
to distinguish between the two data. Mystique pervaded 
Phase I when the LCD data was found to be composed of 
command and display bytes. A data analyzer was designed, 
prototyped, and built specifically for the purpose of 
trapping data relevant ONLY to the LCD Display. 

PHASE II sampled the data transfer between the CPU and 
LCD Display Decoder. Thousands of bytes were intercepted 
and transposed for analysis. In turn, each byte was 
tediously correlated to 1 of 151 possible commands and 1 
of 100 display bytes. We found that the transfer of data 
to the LCD Display Decoder involves memory writes and 
logical operations on the contents of two 32 x 4 bit 
static memory stacks (display and blinking) within the 
LCD Display Decoder. The stack is arranged such that 
COMM-0 thru COMM-3 (backplane) each equate to a column 
and S0 thru S31 (segment) each define a row. Individual 
memory cells intersect a COMM-n (where n is 0 to 3) and 
Sn (where n is 0 to 31) which in turn map to a specific 
segment of the LCD display. The LCD Display Decoder 
operates as a quadruplexed 3- level biased driver, hence 
the several voltages at VLC1 , 2 , and 3. Presence of a 
logical "1" in the display RAM causes the driver to 
excite the segment by increasing the RMS voltage between 
the backplane and segment drives. Blinking RAM functions 
in a similar manner except that the memory contents 
determine whether the segment blinks or remains steady 
state. Whenever a function is initiated, several hundred 
bits of information are transferred to the LCD Display 
Decoder. In turn, the memory contents are either written 
directly with a nybble of data or logically manipulated 
with a 4 bit operand contained within the command byte. 

Provided the display is static (i.e. manual mode) and the 
transfer complete, the Decoder performs all housekeeping 
functions associated with maintaining the display while 
the serial bus idles. 

PHASE III is now underway to design a hardware inter a 
that will buffer and convert relevant synchronous data~to 
asynchronous (UART) for transfer to the serial port of an 
IBM/compatible PC. Hardware will be included to program 
or operate the scanner from the PC keyboard. Software is 
currently in the development stage and will be written to 
support a bi-directional interface with the PRO-2004/5/6. 
LCD Display data will be sent along with a log and date- 
time stamp. Long range projections include S-meter data, 
event counter versus time, DTMF decoding, etc. The beta 
release will have a rough core program to boot-up and 
run, however the source code will be provided for the 
adventurous programmers who want to carve their mark 
within the PRO-2004/5/6 user community. 

[EDITOR'S ROTE: HB-Technologies is using a PRO-2004 for 
their developmental model, but fortunately anything done 
by the PRO-2004 can also be done by the PRO-2005/6. In 
case you technical types want to follow along closely 
with the above discussion, I have listed various IC's 
which were alluded to above. Refer to the below chart 
and to your Service Manual/schematic to correlate Mr. 
Bond's discussion with your scanner: /be] 


PRO- 204 





LCD Display Decoder 



Random Access Memory 



PLL Data Decoder 





EUREKA, I have found it! An Extended Delay Function for 
most any modern scanner! It is just as simple & easy to 
fabricate as the one for the PRO-2004/5/6, MOD-29, page 
Readers of that book will know from page 157 that the 
alternate circuit for other scanners calls for a third 
chip and plenty of extra wiring. Some folks had problems 
with that design probably because of greater complexity 
and it certainly wasn't readily installed in a handheld 
scanner. Well, I didn’t see the forest for the trees 
when Mark Persson submitted the design of MOD-29 for the 
PRO-2004/5/6 and my way to make it compatible with other 
scanners was not the best possible, though it does work. 
Comes now virtually the same circuit as the one for the 
PRO-2004/5/6 and in fact it is the same with two w g 
changes from the diagram on pg-156 in Vol-2 of my boor. 

The differences are for this new circuit are easily 
described: refer to page 156 in Vol-2 of my book, and: 

"THE WORLD SCANNER REPORT " (c) 1991; V1N9 - October, 1991; Page 4 

At U-1, Pins 3, 4 & 5, remove Pin 5 from 3 & 4. Leave 3 
i 4 connected, though. Lift the wire at U-1, Pin 2 and 
reconnect it to the now empty U-1, Pin 5. Jumper U-1, 
Pin 1 to the now empty U-1, Pin 2. THAT IS ALL THERE IS 
TO IT, folks! Why I didn't see it before, I dunno; gross 
* — - ignorance and sheer stupidity, maybe. 

Let me emphasize that the PRO-2004/5/6 and maybe other 

scanners still require the circuit shown on page 156 of 

VoI-2 of my book. In cases where THAT circuit won't 
serve the purpose, first delete the alternate circuit on 
page 157 and use this month's circuit for most any other 
scanner. If you prefer a picture to words, relax.... the 
new circuit, MOD-29b, is given for you in Fig-5. 

Now two versions of the same basic circuit can offer an 
Adjustable Extended Delay for virtually all scanners. 
For the sake of clarity, we'll refer to the version for 

the PRO-2004/5/6 on page 156 of Vol-2 of my book as 

HOD-29 ; the discontinued bulky circuit on page 157 for 
other scanners will be MOD-29a . Its replacement in this 
issue is now called MOD-29b . 

So why would you want an Extended Delay Function? Think 
about it from two angles: one obvious need is when the 
speed of the scanner is boosted with a change of the 
CPU's Clock Resonator. This resonator sets the timing of 
all the scanner's functions, not only speed, but also 
DELAY! Host scanners offer about a 2-sec delay but when 
the speed is doubled as we seem to favor, DELAY is cut in 
half. For a PRO-34 boosted from 8 ch/sec to 30, you may 
is well forget having ANY delay. Reduced or no DELAY can 
be a major drawback to serious scanning. Another point 
of view involves unmodified stock scanners. With a mfgr- 
provided DELAY function, you're limited to what's there 
with hardly any control except maybe an ON/OFF feature. 
Right off, I don't know of any stock scanners that offer 
an adjustable DELAY function. But WHY should we be stuck 
with the mfgr's meager handouts? There are times when 
less than 2-seconds DELAY is good and other times when 5 
or 10 seconds is better. Why not an Adjustable Extended 
Delay? It can be done to most any scanner! 

How Scanner Delay Works 

The CPU of a scanner usually controls the DELAY function, 
and there's not a heck of a lot of influence we can exert 
on the little bugger. Fortunately, there has to be some 
form of logic to tell the scanner when and when not to 
run the DELAY function. That logic is similar in all 
modern scanners and its source is the infamous NFM/AH 
chip that we've discussed in several back issues so far 
(V1N4, V1N7 & V1N8). You will recall that one of four or 
five chips, all pretty much the same, is used in most 
every scanner now. The NFM/AH chip has many functions, 
two of which are to generate SQUELCH signals, one for the 
/^receiver's audio section to silence static when nothing 
is received and the other for the CPU. It's that special 
SQUELCH signal for the CPU that captivates our interest. 
This signal tells the CPU when it should SCAN or SEARCH 
and when it should stop or lock up. It also activates 

the stock DELAY function when selected. This is done as 
a transmitter unkeys and the SQUELCH resets. The "reset" 
action starts the CPU's DELAY countdown timer. Since 
we're dealing with a timed function, any SCAN & SEARCH 
speedups will decrease the scanner's stock DELAY time. 

This logical SQUELCH signal has two states, ON and OFF, 
usually 0 (low) and 5 or 8 volts (high). The SQ-Logic 
signal originates in the NFM/AM chip and can be low (0-v) 
when the SQUELCH is Set and 5 or 8 volts when the SQUELCH 
Breaks; or vice-versa. This low/high logic is recognized 
by the CPU's internal programming which enables it to 
make "decisions" on when to resume SCAN or SEARCH and 
when to initiate and timeout the DELAY function. Simple. 
The only difficult part is that some NFM/AM chips 
generate a low/high logic for SQ-Set and SQ-Break, where 
other chips are high/low for SQ-Set and SQ-Break. To 
make your job a little easier, Table 2 will identify for 
various scanners the NFM/AM chip; the associated SQ-Logic 
Pin #, and the type of logic. Depending on that logic, 
you'll select either MOD-29 or MOD-29b for your scanner. 

HOD-29 was originally developed exclusively for the 
PRO-2004/5/6, where the SQ-Logic out of the NFM/AM chip 
is low-SQ-Set and high-SQ-Break but that logic is 
inverted to opposite logic before going to the CPU. In 
other words, the PRO-2004/5/6' s CPU interprets a 0-v low 
SQ signal to mean SQUELCH-Break and a 5v high signal as 
SQUELCH-Set. Yet, the NFM/AM chip in the PRO-2004/5/6 
works just the opposite but its logic is inverted by IC-3 
before being sent to the CPU. This means that either 
Extended Delay circuit can be used in the PRO-2004/5/6, 
but since the easiest access point for installation of 
the Extended Delay Board is between the CPU and the 
Inverter, IC-3, we have to use MOD-29 at that point. You 
could use my new MOD-29b if installed between the NFM/AM 
chip and IC-3 but there's no sense in that because access 
to that area is limited. THIS IS A CLUE, however, for 
brand-x" scanners, some of which may also have inverters 
in the SQ-Logic line. You may have a choice of either 
circuit and where to install it. Keep this in mind later. 

How To Extend A Scanner’s Delay Function 

Easy! Remember that the NFM/AM chip generates the SQ- 
Logic signal, so if we intercept that signal along the 
way to the CPU and delay or postpone its change of state 
when SQ resets, the CPU cannot initiate resumption of 
SCAN or SEARCH until it senses the logic change. We 
can’t do much about how the NFM/AM chip generates the 
SQ-Logic but we can intercept that SQ-Logic and process 
it to generate an artificial delay. Now it's a matter of 
the proper circuit and where to intercept the SQ-Logic. 

Where To Insert An Extended Delay And Which One? 

First, let's identify the NFM/AM chips and their SQ-Logic 
pins for a number of scanners so you will know what to 
look for and which circuits to examine and may the Cosmic 
Light help you if you don't have a Service Manual for 
your scanner because I sure won't! 

"THE WORLD SCANNER REPORT' (c) 1991; V1N9 - October, 1991; Page 5 











Ckt SYM 


Pin # 



1C- 2 

TK- 1 0420 




1C- 2 

TK - 1 0420 





TK- 1 0420 




1C- 104 





1C- 101 
















TK- 1 0420 




1C- 101 






TK- 1 0420 




1 C- 101 

TK- 10420 









1C- 101 

TK- 10420 




1 C- 101 

TK- 1 0420 





TK- 1 0420 



AR- 800 















AR- 1000 



7 ?? 














































TurboScan 2 



14 ? 

8/0 ? 

HX- 1000 


TK- 1 0420 







• / • 






SR- 1 5 





R- 1 600 










? = Unknown or not sure 
* S/B = SQ-Set/SQ-Break (volts) 

Using the above information for YOUR scanner, start at 
the NFM/AM chip and its SQ-Logic pin, (in some scanners, 
this is called the SCAN CONTROL function), and trace the 
line to the CPU (if that's where it goes; some don't). 
As you follow the trace, you will probably run into a 
couple of resistors and capacitors along the way and 
maybe a branch (Y) or two, but stay on the main trace to 
the CPU and identify that pin of the CPU as the SQUELCH 
or SCAN CONTROL input. Once you’re familiar with the 
circuit, go back to the NFM/AM chip's SQ-Logic pin and 
again work forward to the FIRST place where you can 
intercept that SQ-Logic path. Such a spot might be a 
resistor, or perhaps an exposed circuit trace or, if 
you're lucky, a handy wire. This spot may be cut later 
and the Extended Delay Board connected between the cuts. 

First, measure the voltage of the logic levels at that 
point. Rotate the SQUELCH back & forth to make it Set 
and Break. If the low logic is between 0 - 1.7v and if 
the high state is 4.2 - 5.5v, then one of my two Extended 
Delay circuits will work. Now let's determine which one: 

Again, measure the logic voltages at the chosen intercept 
spot. If Squelch is SET (silence) and the spot measures 
between 0 and 1.7-v, and if when the Squelch breaks 
(noise), the spot measures between 4.2v and 5.5v, then 
you'll need the circuit in this issue, MOD-29b. If 
measurements at your chosen intercept are high (4 . 2-5 . 5v) 
for SQ-Set and low (0-1. 7v) for SQ-Break, then you’ll 
need MOD-29, page 156 in Vol-2 of my SCANNER MODIFICATION 
HANDBOOK. I’m giving you this method of deciding because 
your scanner may have a logic inverter between the NFM/AM 
chip and the CPU like the PRO-2004/5/6. The specific 
circuit of choice will be dependent on the logic of the 
intercept spot you selected. It is impossible for me to 
give explicit directions for all scanners because of the 
variables discussed above. But if I teach you how to 
determine for yourself — then mission accomplished! 

Find a good spot to intercept the SQ-Logic signal, but 
before you cut that path, make sure it's between the 
NFM/AM chip and any branches or Y’s. After cutting the 
path, the broken lead closest to the NFM/AM chip will be 
the SQ-INPUT lead to the new Extended Delay Board. The 
other broken lead will tie to the SQ-OUT and continue on 
to the CPU or where ever it is supposed to go from there. 

If all circuit tracing fails to disclose a prime lock_^n 
to connect the EDB, you can always snip the SQ-Logic pin 
of the NFM/AM chip and install the EDB between the cuts. 
The main caution here is that the logic voltage must be 
0-1. 7v, low and 4 . 2-5 . 5v , high. See IMPORTANT NOTE below. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: there are caveats. MODs 29 and 29b are 
designed for scanners where the CPU operates on +5 volts 
and/or where the SQ-Logic is near 0 and 5 volt levels. 
You should determine the operating voltage of the CPU 
first before installing the EDB because if the CPU runs 
on f 8 volts, you'll have to substitute U-1 and U-2 of the 
EDB with 8v equivalents, probably the CMOS 4000 series. 
I haven't done the research for this contingency so make 
sure first. All scanner CPUs of which I am aware operate 
from +5v but don’t take that to the bank. 

Next you must measure the actual SQ-Logic voltage at the 
selected intercept point for the EDB. If it’s more than 
5.5v, you will either have to make a voltage divider/ 
reducer to drop that higher voltage down to +5 volts or 
else find a place on the SQ-Logic line that has 5-volt 
logic. I mention this because U-1 & U-2 of my EDBs are 
rated at a max 5.5 v input/output and DC power. Also, 
NFM/AM chips in the PRO-2004/5/6 and some other base 
scanners happen to run from +8v which results in SQ- c 
of about 0 and 8-v. Most scanners of this type will have 
a voltage divider/reducer for the CPU somewhere near the 
NFM/AM chip anyway, so maybe you can break the trace 
after the voltage reduction point. 

"1HE WORLD SCANNER REPORT " (c) 1991; V1N9 - October, 1991; Page 6 

It is essential, however, that the EDB be inserted in the 
SQ-Logic trace at a point between the NFM/AM chip and the 
first branch or "Y". Squelch Logic sometimes has to 
branch off to serve the needs of other circuits, too, so 
the EDB must serve any branch paths in addition to the 
CPU. If the SQ-Logic at the EDB insertion point is 
greater than 5.5 volts, it will have to be reduced before 
going into the EDB. This means then, that 5 volts will 
exit the EDB which then could be too low for the circuit 
ahead, so you'll have to look for the voltage divider/ 
reducer down the line and clip it out of circuit since 
the EDB’s 5-v will be just right for those circuits 
without further reduction. The very best thing you can 
do where the SQ-Logic exceeds 5.5 volts is to trace that 
circuit down and install the correct type of EDB at a 
point after where the SQ-Logic is reduced to 5-volts. 

About The MOD-29b Extended Delay Circuit 

Here’s how MOD-29b works; first let's assume the Extended 
Delay is OFF so that you either have no delay at all or 
only the scanner's stock delay; in other words, NORMAL. 
When S-1 of the EDB is open (off} , a high (+5v) is on 
pins 12 & 13 of U-1; the output of which is inverted to a 
low (0-v) at Pin 11. This low is sent to U-2, Pin 3 
which deactivates U-2 and creates a high (+5v) at U-2, 
Pin 4 which sends that high back to U-1, Pin 5. Assuming 
that the SQUELCH is set, a low is coupled out of the 
NFM/AM chip into Pins 9, 10, 1 & 2 of U-1. Since U-2 is 
inactive, the effect at Pins 9 & 10 is not pertinent. A 
low on Pins 1 & 2, however, is inverted to a high at U-1 
’in 3 and then to Pin 4 of U-1 where a high already 
exists at Pin 5. Highs at Pins 4 & 5 are inverted to a 
low at Pin 6 which is then sent on to the CPU. Therefore 
low-in equals low-out just as it should. 

Now let's assume that the scanner's SQUELCH breaks with 
an incoming signal. A SQ-Logic high is coupled into Pins 
9, 10, 1 & 2 of U-1, and as before, since U-2 is 
deselected, Pins 9 & 10 are of no consequence. The high 
at Pins 1 & 2 is inverted to a low at Pin 3 of U-1 and 
sent to Pin 4. A ’’permanent” high is on Pin 5 and with a 
low on pin 4, the output of Pin 6 goes high, again as it 
should. When the scanner's SQUELCH resets, the SQ-OUT 
and the SQ-IN will always follow each other providing 
normal SQUELCH and stock DELAY functions. 

How close S-1 to activate the Extended Delay function. 
This comes about by a low placed on U-1, Pins 12 & 13 
which inverts to a high at Pin 11 and is sent to U-2, Pin 
3 to activate U-2. If the SQUELCH is set, the SQ-ln and 
SQ-Out will be low as normal. Now, when SQUELCH breaks 
and SQ-ln goes high, the normal sequence as discussed 
above happens again, except that the high on Pins 9 & 10 
of U-1 is inverted to a low at U-1, Pin 8 where that low 
goes to U-2, Pin 1 to prepare U-2 for action. Nothing 
^1 se happens until the SQUELCH resets and SQ-ln goes low. 
At the instant that SQ-ln goes low and which otherwise 
would be sent on to the CPU as normal, a very interesting 
effect is generated by U-2, a Retriggerable Monostable 
Multivibrator. U-2, Pin 4 which is normally high, drops 

low for a time that is determined by the values of C-1 
and VR-1. C-1 is fixed, but VR-1 is the DELAY adjustment! 
That low from U-2 Pin 4 is sent to U-1 Pin 5 which, 
regardless of the value at Pin 4, makes Pin 6 remain HIGH 
even though SQ-ln has gone low again! Pin 6 remains high 
until the time set by VR-1 (0-12 sec) expires, at which 
instant U-2 Pin 4 goes high again. In turn, this causes 
U-1 Pin 6 go low to emulate SQUELCH reset, albeit 
DELAYED! It's this elaborate process that artificially 
creates a delayed SQUELCH Reset to the CPU, and in turn 
delays the activation of the SCAN/SEARCH Resume function. 

Another thing worth mention here is that the scanner's 
stock/normal DELAY function will not be initiated until 
the Extended Delay period has expired. Therefore, you 
get two delays in series. If the Extended Delay is set 
for 4-sec and the scanner's stock DELAY is 2-sec, then 
you’ll have a total 6-sec delay if the normal DELAY is 
set; if not, then 4-sec. This offers a 2-stage DELAY; 
you can preset the stock DELAY function for some channels 
and not for others which will have the effect of two 
different delay times, depending, or set all DELAYS off! 

Building. Installing & Operating the Extended Delay 

Build the circuit on as small of a piece of perf-board as 
possible, consistent with the space available in your 
scanner. Don't get too luxurious in use of space because 
you’ll want to install other mods later. If a handheld 
scanner, you're going to have to carefully measure any 
nooks and crannies and build the Extended Delay Board 
(EDB) to suit what's available. This could mean that 
you’ll have to build U-1 on one tiny board and U-2 on 
another with a wiring harness between them to make things 
fit! That's ok because layout and construction are not 
critical. Just use very small and flexible hookup wires. 
Install the switch and LED (if you want it) in a suitable 
place on the exterior. VR-1 can be an ordinnary volume- 
control type of potentiometer if you have the luxury of 
mounting room; otherwise, a tiny trimmer potentiometer 
can be rigidly mounted behind a hole drilled in the case 
for access with a small screwdriver. Once you determine 
a preference for an Extended Delay Time (mine is 4-sec), 
it won’t be adjusted all that often, but it will be nice 
to have the trimmer handy for when readjustment is 
desired. I like the trimpot mounted behind a hole in the 
case for occasional screwdriver adjustments. The right 
kind of trimpot can be superglued to the inside of the 
case for a convenient fit. Some trimpots can't be done 
that way so beware; plan things out first. 

There are three operable parts of the Extended Delay: the 
LED for indicating whether it is On or Off; the switch to 
turn the Extended Delay On or Off; and VR-1 by which to 
preset the desired amount of Extended Delay, 0-12 sec. 
The Extended Delay draws about 2-ma OFF and about 5-ma 
ON, so current drain is not a major consideration. 

PROBLEMS & DEBUGGIHG will be minimal or zilch if you 
build the circuit properly and correctly install it in 
the scanner's Squelch-Logic line. If you've done every- 

”7HE WORLD SCANNER REPORT " (c) 1991; V1N9 - October, 1991; Page 7 

thing perfectly, certain peculiarities might still arise. 
For example, you've done the job and the scanner works 
fine and the Extended Delay work but. .. .during the period 
of the Delay, you may hear a static sound that sounds 
like the receiver isn’t SQUELCHed. If you get this far 
and this is the only problem, relax; you did everything 
right and there’s no fault with the scanner or EDB. You 
will just have a little more work to do to remedy THAT 
difficulty. Understanding things is the first step. 

Two SQUELCH-1 ike functions are generated by the NFM/AM 
chip, one of which we’ve been working with above. The 
other is called MUTE and is mostly an internal function. 
MUTE is what performs the silencing of the receiver when 
no signals come in. SQUELCH initiates the MUTE function 
and sometimes does other things, too. Typically the 
scanner’s CPU generates a MUTE signal based upon a SQ-Set 
signal. During the period of the Extended Delay there is 
no SQ-Set logic to the CPU so it "thinks" the scanner 
should be UNMUTED and playing sound. The typical MUTE 
signal from a CPU is 0v for MUTE and 5v for UNMUTE. The 
0-v MUTE signal is usually applied to the vicinity of the 
scanner's Volume Control which has the effect of shorting 
out any undesired static and audio. This MUTE signal is 
what silences the receiver. You can experiment with 
using one of the signals from the EDB to serve as a MUTE 
function during the period of the Extended Delay. The 
signal at U-2 Pin 4 is normally high at 5v except during 
the period of the Extended Delay where it drops to 0v . 
U-2 Pin 13 (unused) provides an opposite logic to Pin 4; 
it is normally low but rises to a high for the period of 
the Extended Delay. Depending on what kind of MUTE logic 
is used by your scanner, one of these two signals can be 
pressed into service to MUTE the annoying static during 
the Extended Delay period. I can’t offer much more help 
on this because every scanner is different and different 
techniques will be required for each scanner. But you 
can get started with assessing and understanding the 
scanner’s MUTE function and associated circuits. Just 
remember, if you need my assistance, it will be gladly 
given PROVIDED that you and I have a copy of the Service 
Manual for your scanner. We can't work without it. 

TEST your Extended Delay Circuit before installing it in 
general accordance with instructions given in Vol-2, page 
162. Use the logic (low/high) for the EDB that you built. 

* * * PRESS RELEASE * * * 


DataFile, Inc. has announced the release of ProScan, 
Version 1.0, a powerful, yet easy to use MS/PC-DOS 
program designed for the scanner enthusiast desiring to 
track frequencies and their users. 

With ProScan, you can track up to 9,999 records by bank, 
channel, frequency, name, location, class, type and call 
sign. ProScan features include: 

* user-selected display of records, by frequency, 
channel, name, location or class 

* Instant seek and select of individual records by 
channel, frequency or name 

* Print all or selected records by channel, frequency, 
name, location or class 

* Note pad with automatic date/time stamp 

* Help screens 

* Duplicate frequency check 

* Automatic bank numbering 

ProScan requires IBM or compatible, MS/PC-DOS version 2.0 
or higher, 640k RAM, hard disk and works with IBM, Epson 
and compatible printers. ProScan comes complete with 
printed documentation. The regular price for ProScan is 
$59.95. Until March 1st, 1992, ProScan is being offered 
for a special introductory price of $39.95 (add $3.50 for 
shipping in the US). To order ProScan, send check or 
money order to DataFile, Inc, PO Box 20111, St. Louis, MO 
63123. Please specify 5-1/4" or 3-1/2" disk. (Missouri 
residents add $2.29 sales tax). IBM, PC-DOS & Epson are 
trademarks of their respective owners. 


A procedure is in V1N6 to liberate 100 more channels from 
the BC-100XLT. Close, but no cigar. I was on the right 
track but didn’t go far enough. More work is required. 
Also needed are a small memory chip, switching transistor 
& 4 resistors. The circuit board for the BC-100XLT is 
the same as the one in the BC-200XLT, so the work left to 
be done isn't extensive. Vacant solder pads are on the 
8C-100XLT board for the parts. Order the parts f "m 
Uniden because the transistor and memory chip wilt ^e 
hard to find. Call UNIDEN PARTS DEPT; 9900 WEST POINT DR; 
INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250; (800) 428-5340 or (317) 842-1036 
and order repair parts for the BC-200XLT as follows: 

Component Ckt Symbol Part Number 

Service Manual for the BC-200XLT 

Memory 1C 








22-k ohms 






RZ021 (Unknown resistance va' 




RZ021 <of R-250, 

252 & 253. 



in Serv. Manual 

Use the 


Service Manual to 



locations where the above parts belong and install them 
in your BC-100XLT accordingly. The step that I gave you 
back in V1N6 is correct: remove & discard R-253; in its 
place solder one end of a 47-k 1/4-watt resistor to the 
original pad for R-253 that's closest to the CPU. Solder 
the other end of the resistor to a nearby ground spot. 
Install the above components in their proper locations 
according to the BC-200XLT Service Manual, page 39. In 
the process, remove & discard D-204 that's in the s 
where R-222 goes. This will complete the steps to pin 
100 more channels for your BC-100XLT. Sorry for any 
inconvenience this slip may have caused. PS: Forget 
adding 800 MHz to the BC-100XLT; just buy a BC-200XLT! 

"THE WORLD SCANNER REPORT " (c) 1991; V1N9 - October, 1991; Page 8 



A. This circuit for scanners with Squelch Logic that is 
low for SQ-Set and high for SQ-Break and where low is 
less than 1.7v and high is not greater than 5.5v. See 
Note B if your Squelch Logic is 0 to 8v. 

•-*. Use 100-k trimmer voltage divider/reducer if Squelch 
>g ic exceeds 5.5v. Set trimmer so that middle lug of 
trimmer equals 5.0v when SQ-High is present at top lug. 
SEE TEXT. If 5v EDB output doesn't work because circuit 
down line needs 8v, look for a voltage reducer/divider 
and remove it. 

C. Where SQ-Logic is 0 & 8v, you might consider using a 
4011 Quad NAND and a 4538 Multivibrator . Pinouts of 
these two chips differ from above so the circuit will 
have to be changed accordingly. Just correlate each 
function shown above with the new chips. Vcc for 
■series chips will be 8-v, of course. 

fy flvSOST. 

r SQ- LO<r/C 


ro sa-> a / • 

Aaove c/fcurT 

( /fDSUST 7Z>£PO#£ \ 
Com ct/aJCj- To) 
Sq-'/M A-^OMe. / 


"THE WORLD SCANNER REPORT " (c) 1991; V1N9 - October, 1991; Page 9 


Radio Interests? (Put YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in each block that applies) 
VHF-UHF Amateur CB Shortwave Professional 

Scanning? Radio? Radio? Listening? Radio? 


Occupation: makes A models of your scanners & other radio equipment: 

Describe your technical abilities & interests; use reverse as needed. 

USA RATES: (Canada tltt; Other Foreign +2l>-surf or Hit-Air) 

1991 Single copies; your choice: 1 ea $ 4.00 

1991 (1st 6-mos, Jan-June) 5 ea $15.00 

CURRENT SUBSCRIPTIONS, with and without Back Issues (Bl) 

1991 (2nd 6-mos; Jul-Dec, w/o Bl) 5 ea $15.00 

1991 (1-yr; Jan-Dec, w/BI) 10 ea $25.00 

1991-92 (1-yr; Jul-Jun, w/o Bl) 10 ea $25.00 

1991-92 (1.5-yr, Jan-Jun w/BI) 15 ea $35.00 

1991-93 (2-yr Jul-Jun, w/o Bl) 20 ea $45.00 

1991-93 (2.5-yr, Jan-Jun w/BI) 25 ea $52.50 


SCANNER MOD HNDBK, Vol-1: $17.95 ♦ $3.00 SSH » 

SCANNER MOD HNDBK, Vol-2: $17.95 + $3.00 S&H * 

♦(Canada $4 S&H ; Other Foreign $5 SBH; add extra for Air Mail) 
HOBBY RADIO BUYER'S DIRECTORY (600+ listings) $14.95 ppd 

Enclose a 010 S.A.S.E. and one loose extra stamp if you want 
hobby info & personal reply! Business inquiries exempt. 


guess it's about time the disassembly procedures for the 
PRO-34 and the new PRO-37 were updated. Refer to the 
Steps of Procedure in Vol-1 of the SMH, page 146, Step 8. 
Wipe out that sentence; there's a better way: Follow the 
GREER- YELLOW-BLACK wire bundle from the Volume Control to 
the brown plug; pull the wire bundle UP so that the brown 
plug disconnects; push the wire bundle over the top end 
of the scanner. Follow the RED-WHITE- BLACK wire bundle 
from the SQUELCH control to the white plug; pull the wire 
bundle UP so that the white plug disconnects; push the 
wire bundle over the top end of the scanner. It's not 
necessary to remove the VOLUME and SQUELCH controls; just 
unplug their wire bundles! The rest of the 
Disassembly/Reassembly instructions for the PRO-34 are 
pertinent and applicable; most likely to the PRO-37, too. 

SPOT-WELDED SHIELD COVER? After getting a few reports 
from around the country about some PRO-34's with a welded 
cover between the two PCB's, I warned of this possibility 
in Step 10, page 146. It's examined again in Vol-2 of 
the SMH, HINT-3 pg 16 by a well-meaning hobbyist who 
figured out how to "break the welds” on that shield 
cover, actually a metal frame! Unfortunately for HIM, the 
metal frame between the two PC8's is always held in place 
by three tiny screws, one each in the upper corners of 
the frame and one in the middle by the battery. I guess 
lots of people didn't look close because sure enough, the 
flat shield is spotwelded to the sides of the frame. But 
who cares? The frame/shield assembly lifts out after the 
three tiny screws that hold it down are removed! THERE 
screws instead and they really are there. By the way, 
Catch-22 about those screws is that one is shorter than 
the other two. The shortest screw goes in the end hole 
by the battery. If you put a long one in there, it will 
bulge the keyboard panel on the front of the radio. 


A real "dog" of a PRO-2004 came through my shop recently. 
The owner said that the problem had sporadically showed 
up since the scanner was brand new but it had finally 
crapped out for good. The symptom was obvious: turn j 
scanner On and the Display lit up with the familiar biue 
glow but nothing else happened; no scan, no numbers, etc. 
Power supply voltages were ok so my initial diagnosis was 
"faulty solder joints" or bad connections on the Logic/ 
CPU Board; a common problem among some PRO-2004' s. Fifty 
to a hundred resoldered joints later and no remedy, I 
looked deeper. It took a while but I finally found the 
problem and learned something for my efforts. 

There is a function in the PRO-2004/5/6 CPU called HOLD. 
It's not anything to interest the average hobbyist and is 
not discussed in the Owner’s Manual nor even the Service 
Manual. If you’re not initiated, the schematic doesn't 
even offer much of a clue on the purpose of HOLD. But 
it’s a big one, turns out; to let the CPU know when to go 
to "sleep" (power off) and "wake up” (power on). Without 
getting too technical on you, there is a transistor that 
senses when the Memory Retention Battery is active and 
which can happen ONLY when power is OFF. When the 
scanner is ON, the transistor sends a low (0-v) to the 
CPU and makes it's current draining memory circuits "wake 
up”. A high (5-v) tells the CPU when the scanner is OFF, 
so that it can shut down current drain and go to "sleep". 
This is why the Memory Battery lasts for months; only a 
few microamps are required to keep memory fresh and r'Hy 
for action when the scanner is turned on. 

In the above problem, I found this transistor to be blown 
out for no apparent reason. Replacement with a common 
NPN 2N3904 restored the scanner to proper operation. It's 
Q-30 in the PRO-2004, and Q-29 in the PRO-2005/6. 


"THE WORLD SCANNER REPORT" (c) 1991; V1N9 - October, 1991; Page 10 

PO BOX 262478 
SAN DIEGO, CA 92196-2478 




+ Sony ICF-2010 Failure 4 Repair 
+ Efforts to develop a PRO-20M/5/6 PC Inyerface 
* Extended Delay function for All Scanners 
+ NFM/AM Chips for More Scanners 
+ New Scanner Frequency Records Tool 
+ BC-100XLT Memory Expansion Update 
+ PRO-34/37 Disassembly Procedure Update 
+ PRO-34 Spotwelded Shields; Myth Debunked 
4 PRO-2004/5/6 Failure 6 Repair